Was unsere Kunden sagen

"  Ich schätzte die Zusammenarbeit als Head of Software Services mit Eva sehr, da Sie mich in der Transformation in agilen Denkweisen und Methodiken sehr pragmatisch unterstützt und gecoacht hat. Sie hat mcih auf die Reise mitgenommen und lenkte mich in die richtige Richtung und gab mir Zeit und Spielraum mich und mein Team darin zu entwickeln. Mit Ihrer schnellen und guten Auffassung wusste Sie immer an welcher Stellschraube gedreht werden muss. Agil ist nicht agil und muss immer in das bestehende Umfeld hineinplatziert werden. Eva hat ein grosses Gespür die richtigen Ansätze zu wählen und sich schnell anzupassen. Der unkomplizierte und direkte Umgang mit den Menschen ist ein grosses Plus von Eva."

Andreas Weber
Head of Software Services, bei Bystronic Group, Niederönz, Schweiz

" Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Eva habe ich gelernt, wie viel nur ein einziges, gut geführtes

Gespräch bewirken kann. Eva hat mir immer wieder geholfen, die Dinge klar zu sehen und zu verstehen, was mir für meine persönliche Leadership- und Karriere-Entwicklung entscheidende Impulse gegeben hat. Ihre Coaching-Begleitung im Rahmen meines 360°-Feedbacks hat es mir außerdem erlaubt, zum ersten Mal in eine wirklich aufrichtige Reflexion mir selbst gegenüber zu kommen. Zusätzlich hat mich Eva als Mentorin unterstützt, indem sie ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen ihr unglaubliches Wissen mit mir geteilt hat.

Ihre Fähigkeiten, in einen Menschen scheinbar «hineinsehen» zu können und das, was sie sieht, dann auf den Punkt zu bringen, waren für mich wirklich Gold wert! "

Hanna Schreyer
Head of Sustainability, bei Zooplus AG, München, Deutschland

"  I had a very positive experience with the leadership course. The excellent and fruitful collaboration in my cohort and especially with Eva is particularly noteworthy. As a result of the 360-degree survey, I received feedback that helped both my coach and me to identify the next steps in my development as a leader. Eva's experience and knowledge were very helpful during the whole process. Her personal coaching and individual action planning helped me to experiment and push my borders in my daily work so that I can continuously develop. An excellent part of the course were the regular online meetings where I could share my experience and learn from the other participants. During these meetings, Eva continuously exemplified the leadership values . "

Dr. Holger Martin
Head of Product Legal Europe & Regulatory, bei Vontobel, Frankfurt, Deutschland

" Working with Eva has proved to be highly beneficial to develop personally as well as my leadership skills. As a product manager, I often face the challenge of having to take quick decisions based on limited information because situations are always changing. Working with Eva as my agile coach helped me to be able to evaluate a situation from different perspectives in order to take decisions confidently. Also, by discussing cultural as well as communication topics that I had to deal with, I was able to plan actions towards how I get team members motivated and committed to a common goal. I would highly recommend Eva as a coach and am very grateful having had the chance to be her coachee. "

Sarah Anna Fiorina
Product Manager and Performance Coach at Leica Geosystems, Heerbrugg, Switzerland

"  Eva has been coaching me for more than 10 months. Since the very beginning I was gladly impressed by Eva’s masterful coaching skills. Her presence, mindful listening, and empathy immediately create a space of trust to explore issues, however difficult they can be. And her smart questions easily help navigate the intricate complexities of any particular difficulty and arrive at a place of peace of mind and issue solution. I am particularly grateful to Eva for helping me face the greatest uncertainty I had ever experienced in my work life and sort out how to deal with it, significantly reducing the anxiety it had brought to me. I have also enjoyed discussions with Eva about topics related to business life, innovation, and the big challenges companies face in pandemic and post-pandemic times, which I have found both enlightening and entertaining. "

Luis Chang
Chief Tourism and Investment Specialist at the Trade Commission of Peru, Houston, USA

"  I’ve known Eva as a coach, colleague, and friend since 2018.

She has a special way about her that helps everyone feel at ease and connected. Her coaching style is engaging, gentle and focused on moving forward.

I’m grateful for her insightful questions and thoughtful guidance as it has helped me discover my own internal compass and how to move forward through difficult situations at work and in life.

Thank you Eva! "

Karen Kemerling
Leadership & Organizational Development Coach at K2 | Leadership Development, Golden, USA

" After being coached and mentored by Eva for a few months now, I have come to believe that there is nothing that I cannot achieve if I put my mind to it. She has inspired hope and courage in me, that I never thought was possible, even a year ago.

Eva, with her quiet strength, and incredible presence, listens to you as if you are the only one in the world, and then she challenges you, in a way that brings out the hidden qualities in you.

A great leadership coach, Eva has modeled integrity and honesty that are second to none. She is kind but firm, encouraging but real. She gives her best and supports her clients to be their best. She is a great role model! "

Julie Bockarie

Leadership and Career Coach, 3diamonds Coaching and Mediating, Washington, USA

" Eva has a very unique style of coaching, direct, simple and laser focus, hence humanistic and full of trust and empathy. She helped me to change my working style and gain self confidence and all that with ease and pleasure.
I can only recommend Eva ! "

Leily Zarian
Professional Coach at Delicious Sites, Zürich, Switzerland